I've seen some people complaining about the price of this set (the MSRP is $39.99) but I had a $5 TRU coupon to apply, so I got 7 ponies for $35 which works out to about $5 per pony and is about what they are individually (if not a little less) so I really don't see why people are complaining about it.

Nightmare Moon is the big villain from season one and the community was really surprised and thrilled when they announced the toy. She is the first villain ever sold under the my little pony brand, as far as I recall the first black my little pony as well.
The second most anticipated pony in the set is Trixie, the antagonist of the episode boast Busters. Her personality might need some work, but her toy is lovely. I adore the combination blue/white of her hair.
Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon3 is a welcome addition to this set, though fans seem to be split about her eyeglasses. I personally would have preferred her to have painted eyes, and accessory glasses, but I am not going to complain about them making a toy more show accurate than anticipated.
I think Lemony Gem steals the show from the other fan favorites with her lovely combination. The light blue hair on all of the ponies in this set has a different texture to it and seems to shine more than normal.
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash consistently top the charts when we as a fandom are polled about the best/favorite pony. It's no surprise both are included in the favorites set, though since I already have several different Pinkies (this is the only one with a glitter cutie mark) I wish the set had more previously unreleased ponies.
Rainbow Dash also has a glittery symbol and some pretty stunning box hair here.
Flower wishes completes the set, but she also illustrates a problem with a lot of the pony packaging. It's too tight and often leaves dents in the pony!
This is the dent a little closer. The horror, the horror!
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